5 Myths About Prediabetes and 5 Ways To Reverse It


What is Prediabetes? 5 Myths and 5 Ways To Reverse it

You Can Reverse Prediabetes – Here’s how.

Prediabetes isn’t a life sentence—it’s a wake-up call. The good news? Small changes today can lead to a healthier, brighter tomorrow. Ready to take the first step?

What is prediabetes? 

Prediabetes means that your blood sugar level is higher than the normal range, however it’s not high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes. It usually can be a sign of your body starting to become insulin resistant – likely because of poor nutritonal status.

It will not always lead to diabetes but that could possibly happen if it is neglected. Through a proper diet and healthy lifestyle, it could make a big difference to your overall well-being. 

A doctor will diagnose you with prediabetes if your HgA1c (hemoglobin HgA1c) is between 5.7-6.4%. Below 5.7% is normal range for HgA1c and above 6.4% is considered Type 2 diabetes.

5 Prediabetes Myths You Shouldn’t Fall For:

Myth 1: Only people with obesity will develop prediabetes

It has a greater chance to affect people with obesity however prediabetes can affect all ages regardless of physical appearance, genetics, or even family history. You can be skinny or on the thinner side

Myth 2: Prediabetes always leads to Diabetes

Not all people with prediabetes will develop diabetes. A  proper diet and healthy lifestyle will help reverse it at an early stage of detection. 

Myth 3:  Prediabetes is not  a serious condition

It may not be as alarming as diabetes but it can be a precursor to  diabetes. That’s why when detected, it’s important to have early intervention through change of lifestyle to avoid progression of type 2 diabetes that may also elevate the risk of other complications such as heart disease and stroke.

Myth 4: Prediabetes is irreversible

It is often reversible through lifestyle modification such as proper and balanced diet, regular exercise, and monitoring of blood sugar levels.

Myth 5: Prediabetes has symptoms

Prediabetes is commonly referred to as “silent condition”. This means that most people don’t actually realize that they have it until they undergo a blood sugar test. That’s why for people who have a family history of diabetes, it is significant and highly recommended to have regular check-ups for early prevention. 

5 Strategies to Reverse Prediabetes

1.  Maintain a Proper and Balanced Diet

Select more healthful foods such as complex carbohydrates, lean meats, whole grains, and healthy fats like salmon and avocado. 

Minimize high fat content meats (ribs, steak, sausage), and highly processed foods that have added sugars and fats. These foods are designed to taste good and as a result, EASY to consume – which makes it easy to eat a lot of it. Here’s another blog I made on how to minimize snacking at night

Work with a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist to help you plan your nutrition goals and talk about adjustment of your lifestyle habits. 

2. Regular Exercise

This will help you regulate your blood sugar levels by making your muscles use the extra sugar in your blood. The more you move, the more sugar or energy your muscles use, which makes your body more insulin-sensitive – which is a good thing!

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), people should get at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity such as brisk walking, water aerobics, dancing, or even go on a bike for 10 miles per hour. 

3. Limit and Opt for Healthier Carbohydrate Choices

Limit your consumption of highly processed carbohydrates, especially simple sugars such as candies, pastry desserts, sodas, and cakes.

limit junk or processed foods

Limit processed foods like these as much as possible.


Instead, switch to complex carbohydrate-rich foods such as whole grains, brown rice, vegetables, and beans. Complex carbohydrates are rich in fiber, so they make you feel full for longer. This also means the body takes longer to break down and absorb at a slower rate thus preventing the elevation of sugar levels. 

4. Manage Stress Effectively

Too much stress can contribute to sudden spikes of blood sugar levels. To support the blood sugar control, take a deep breath, relax, do yoga, and meditation.

5. Regular Monitoring of Blood Sugar Levels

Having regular medical check-ups could actually help to track the progress, detect the condition at an early stage and give proper intervention through lifestyle modification. 

Your health is your greatest asset, and personalized nutrition is the key to unlocking your best self! Imagine having a clear plan that fits your lifestyle, fuels your body, and leaves you feeling energized and confident. 

You have the power to change the outcome!

In a 1:1 session, we’ll create a customized strategy tailored to your unique needs and goals. 

Don’t wait—book your appointment today and take the first step toward a healthier, happier you!


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