5 Things To Eat To Reverse Your Type 2 Diabetes Naturally


5 Things To Eat To Reverse Your Type 2 Diabetes Naturally


I get asked all the time: “John, what are the best foods to eat for (insert weight loss, diabetes, stop bloating/constipation/diarrhea)?” In this article, I will talk about the 5 things to eat to reverse your type 2 diabetes naturally. 

While I do have to take into consideration how a person is, these are generally the foods that I often recommend for my clients that have diabetes. These five foods, when eaten in moderation and consistently, has shown to be a powerful way to reduce blood sugar naturally and possibly put your diabetes in remission. 

The reason I recommend these to my clients are pretty simple:

  • They’re shown to help lower blood sugar 
  • Affordable
  • Easy to prepare
  • Good source of fiber (helps control the blood sugar)


Even though this isn’t an exhaustive list, these are always my go to foods (even for me) because they can help you lower blood sugar and reverse your type 2 diabetes.


1. Oatmeal

Bowl of oatmeal

Oatmeal has always been one of the favorites I tell my clients to eat more. Why is it good for diabetes? It has lots of fiber – which helps prevent spikes in blood sugar, and a good blend of carbs, protein and a little bit of fat. It comes in different versions and ways to prepare that everyone that wants to eat it can prepare it in different ways. It’s microwavable, there’s a quick cooking version, and the stove top version. Because it has lots of fiber, helps you stay full but without the added calories. Pro tip: add a little bit of milk (4 oz or half a cup of low or nonfat milk), some brown sugar and some walnuts to give it some flavor!


2. Beans

Baked beans to reduce diabetes naturally

Beans are good choice for protein AND an excellent source of fiber. I often recommend beans to my clients because of the blend of nutrients it has. It has a good amount of carbs, protein, fiber, and fats. The thing that helps with blood sugar is the amount of fiber it has. A can of beans (15 oz), has 122.5% of your fiber needs! Crazy! I don’t recommend eating that much beans in one meal because it might upset your stomach and it’s better to spread your bean intake evenly.  Throughout the day or even the week. Stick with a serving size of half a cup per meal to make sure it doesn’t cause excess gas or bloat.


3. Fruits

foods that help lower diabetes naturallyYes, fruits are sugar. While fruits have sugar,it does NOT mean you have to fruits (or foods that have sugar). Yes, fruits have sugar, but it also contains MANY nutrients that nourish your body AND help control your blood sugar. All fruits contain a decent amount of fiber. For example, a medium size banana has 3 grams of fiber and 110 calories. Large size orange has 87 calories and 4.4 grams of fiber. Make fruits a regular part of your diet – aim to have at least 2-3 servings (serving is at least size of of your fist) different fruits to eat per day. 




4. Whole grains

whole grain for diabetesThe same way oatmeal is a good choice for breakfast is the same way whole grains (any) is a good choice for those that have diabetes. Whole grains are an excellent source of fiber and can help regulate your blood sugar! Fiber is really the ingredient that regulates blood sugar. It acts as a “buffer” so that your blood sugar doesn’t spike as high as it would. Aim to have 25-30 grams of fiber per day WITH plenty of water. Very important to drink plenty of water with plenty of fiber!





5. Lean protein:

foods that help lower diabetes naturallyWhat does lean protein look like on your plate? Lean proteins are: low or non fat yogurt, low or nonfat cheese, and lean cuts of meats (chicken, fish, turkey). There is a myth out there that beef or pork isn’t lean but take a look at some samples of lean cuts of beef are HERE.

For lean cuts of pork, click HERE. Protein is helpful to lower blood sugar as it helps regulate aka control HOW MUCH your blood sugar spikes. The more “mixed” your meals are (mixed meaning it has a good portion of carbs, fats, and lean protein), the more controlled your blood sugar will be. Aim to have at least palmful of protein per meal as a MINIMUM. 


While there are other types of foods that belong in this (vegetables is another important one), one the things I must point out that it these foods will help reverse diabetes if done consistently AND in moderation. This means that eating it just once a week with one of these foods likely will not cut it and you will probably need to eat these throughout the week along with other foods in moderation. 

Do you know someone that struggles with their type 2 diabetes? Share this with someone that needs help controlling their blood sugar! 


Want more help? I offer 1:1 nutrition counseling for those that have type 2 diabetes. If you are near Concord, CA, I offer in person visits. If you are closer in the cities of Hayward, Sacramento, or San Francisco, or anywhere else, I offer virtual 1:1 for those wanting to do it through Zoom.

Click HERE to give me a call or to schedule a 10 minute call to see if we’re a good fit!

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